JIYUGAOKA is Tokyo's posh and trendy uptown. It is a cozy neighborhood within a 15-minute train ride from Shibuya. Along the streets, you can find fashionable boutiques, cute Japanese goods, and stylish cafes.
In Autumn, Jiyugaoka will be full of festival atmosphere. The Jiyugaoka Megami Festival upgrades and expands its scale yearly, attracting 600,000 visitors. The streets are filled with markets and standing-up-eating stands and inundated with visitors. People of all ages can enjoy the festivities.
"Kamameshi "at TATSUTANO1-26-8, Jiyugaoka, Meguro-ku, Tokyo
It's a traditional Japanese rice dish, and it is cooked in a small pot.
It's a traditional Japanese rice dish, and it is cooked in a small pot.
"Tanomi plate" atTANOMI
1-26-16 Jiyugaoka, Meguro-ku, Tokyo
1-26-16 Jiyugaoka, Meguro-ku, Tokyo